Jesse finds his passion in cookery

“I have worked in and out of hospitality for years and have pursued many opportunities in all different careers including shearing, fuel stations and even mining.
“As life changed and my family grew to include three beautiful children I needed something to be closer to them,” he said.
Jesse started working as a kitchenhand at a café and was then offered an apprenticeship in commercial cookery which he now absolutely loves.
“I’ve found my passion and discovered I love crafting something using my hands and creating an appealing plate of food.
“I’ve learnt so many skills at South West TAFE that help me in my work in the kitchen every day including knife work, food safety and preparing a wide range of dishes,” he said.
Jesse is currently in his first year of his apprenticeship and has dreams to one day run his own business.
“I would definitely recommend this course to anyone - who knows you might even find your passion along the way like I did,” he said.