An agriculture course is the perfect fit for Josie

“I love everything about agriculture so I love that I get to study agriculture through VET DSS at Glenormiston while I’m still finishing secondary school,” she said.
Josie said she loved the people in the agriculture industry who were willing to help her every step of the way.
“I also love the freedom of working outdoors and the rewards you get from working with animals,” she said.
Josie said she had learnt so many new skills during her course and the teachers had been extremely supportive.
“I have met new people and love that my classmates are like-minded but come from all different farming backgrounds including sheep, beef, dairy and hobby farms,” she said.
She said the facilities at Glenormiston were the perfect place to learn, giving students the opportunity to learn something in the classroom and then walk straight out the door and put it into practice.
The course has also led her to gain work on a dairy farm at Winslow where she works on weekends and in the holidays, helping with milking and silage.
Josie said that after completing year 12, she was hoping to take a gap year to work on a station in the Northern Territory before studying her Diploma of Agriculture and eventually work in the agronomy field.