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Transforming Struggles into Strength: A Journey of Growth at South West TAFE

/ Success Story
VCE studies at South West TAFE have helped to put Arthur Breunig on a path towards a career in community services.

I came to South West TAFE in the middle of Year 11 after three years of struggling with my mental health.

I had suffered with agoraphobia, a panic disorder, depression and anxiety so had not attended school for many years.

My teachers were amazing, and, with the help of my family, I slowly started attending classes and found South West TAFE to be an incredibly supportive learning environment.

I am currently studying Year 12, and I have really enjoyed the style of learning.

Our class is very chilled, and we can have a say in how our classes operate. Everyone is very supportive of each other, and they are all here to learn.

I love writing and I have been inspired to start the process of trying to get my first book published which is exciting.

I complete my VCE studies at the end of this year and am planning to start the Diploma of Community Services at South West TAFE next year.

I am really interested in psychology, sociology and human behaviour and feel that the diploma will open up many career and study pathways in this field.

Studying my VCE here has definitely been a great step for me.