Traineeship gives Tom a head start

THE chance to work while gaining a qualification at the same time was what attracted Tom McKenzie to a traineeship in IT and digital media.
After completing year 12 in 2016, Tom was unsure of what he wanted to do so when he came across a traineeship in IT at Emmanuel College he jumped at the chance.
Tom completed his Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology through South West TAFE and was impressed by all of the support he received.
“I was in regular contact with my teachers at TAFE and Emmanuel College gave me one day a week to dedicate to my studies,” he said.
After completing his traineeship, Tom has been employed casually at South West TAFE where he has gained further experience, helping out the IT team with general assistance and setting up computers.
He then plans to head to Ballarat where he is enrolled in a Certificate IV in Information Technology with plans start his Diploma of Information Technology in 2019.
“The traineeship was such a great experience and it gave me a great start to get into the IT field.
“It’s also given me so many other skills which will help me later in life with whatever I decide to do,” he said.
Tom said he would recommend the course to anyone interested in the IT industry.
“Give it a go. You will gain a qualification and who knows where it could lead you,” he said.