Nicholas gains confidence and independence through study

Nicholas first started his Certificate I in Transition Education while he was still attending Emmanuel College.
“I really enjoyed it. It has really helped me with my social skills and I now feel comfortable going out in the community by myself,” he said.
Nicholas said he loved his time at South West TAFE.
“I love spending time with my friends, experiencing new things and kicking the footy. I also love buying my hot chocolate at the café,” he said.
Since starting his course at South West TAFE, Nicholas said he was now more confident talking to other people and now did a lot more things for himself.
“I now get myself ready in the mornings, prepare my own breakfast and take a taxi to work at WDEA on my own,” he said.
He said South West TAFE was a great place to learn and make new friends and would recommend the Certificate I in Transition Education to anyone who was considering it.