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Apprentice builder became interested in a trade at secondary school

/ Success Story
Woodwork classes at secondary school have inspired Jordan Draffen into a career in the building industry.

"I became interested in the building trade while I was at secondary school and my teachers encouraged me to give it a go." says Jordan.

Jordan gained an apprenticeship and loved the environment she worked in and being able to work with her hands.

During her training at South West TAFE, Jordan learnt many skills "including little tips and tricks I now use daily on the work site".

"I have enjoyed my training and love that you get to work with like-minded people".

In the future, Jordan is planning to move to Geelong to finish her apprenticeship and continue to gain more experience.

Jordan encourages other people that are interested in starting a career in building to give it a go.

"It’s not as scary as you think, and you meet amazing people along the way".