A passion for carpentry lead Harry to an apprenticeship

Harry was in year 10 at Warrnambool College when he started the VET DSS carpentry course and was fortunate to gain a full-time apprenticeship half way through year 11.
“School wasn’t really for me so I started looking into apprenticeships,” he said.
He has now almost finished the first year of his apprenticeship with Barling Builders and South West TAFE and loves what he does every day.
“It’s been great and the VET DSS course really helped me when I started on site. It gave me a bit of a head start with the skills that I had already learnt,” he said.
Harry said a lot of his friends had also tried VET DSS programs and it had helped them to find their career paths.
“I’d say you should just give it a try. You don’t know what you’ll like until you give it a go,” he said.